Valley Life Sciences Building, Sather Tower & Dwinelle Hall Sather Tower
Sather Tower & Doe Memorial Library Cal Day 2009
Sather Gate Sather Gate
Valley Life Sciences Building 內的恐龍化石 Bancroft Library
Doe Memorial Library Doe Memorial Library
C. V. Starr East Asian Library 東亞圖書館 網主最愛的日語參考書
Haas School of Business Cal Day 2010
Sather Tower 鐘樓上景色 眺望三藩市、海灣大橋及金門橋
Sather Tower 鐘樓上景色 Sather Tower 西北方景色
Lawerence Hall of Science 眺望三藩市灣區
Lawerence Hall of Science 眺望三藩市灣區
Lawerence Hall of Science Botanical Garden